Saturday, October 26, 2002

My last entry bought you the fantastical story of the Hotel Coathanger Bandit. I now therefore provide a linky to part 2 of the ongoing saga albeit a couple of days later.... Thanks to Alistair for pointing out the existence of installment two. If you have been reading his blog, you would have noticed he thanked me in a very similar manner for pointing out the original story. I like this. This means we have a 'I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine' thing going on. And since he gets vastly greater amounts of hits, it means his scratching provides me with (relatively) huge numbers of visitors, whilst my scratching amounts to little more than a tickle. Bwaa ha ha ha ha ha and so on.....

Meanwhile, the wonderous people at b3ta - source of so much of this blog's findings - have put together an internet simulator for those who want to practise their skills. Now remember, those nice folks at b3ta like their organisation to be pronounced like "Peter" - it is not "bee-three-tee-ay" godammit. As a reward for being aware of this fact, one of their number has produced this excellent collection of downloadable eighties video commercals. Even just looking at the screen captures drives me into a heady spiral of reminiscent excitment:

Little Tommy almost wished he didn't have a sphincter...

I cannot wait for the Grand Theft Auto game The Getaway. Although it is not released until after Vice City, The Getaway, is going to be set in real life London. The programmers have mapped 40 square kilometers of central London and I for one will be committing a number of murders outside of my workplace.

Go here for more screen captures. And here is an interview with developers Team Soho including more screen shots. Marvelous.

Now you can drool...

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